For people like me who are still pursuing their education and write a blog passionately about something specific, like movies and music in my case, it's a icing on top of the cake when PPP-payperpost approves your blog. Now you can earn money writing those posts you anyway do.
I have heard about payperpost even earlier from friends. So I said to myself, I am blogging anyway. Why not sign up for payperpost ? So I decided to sign up for PPP. What's best about PPP is that they have very well documented guidelines as far as the do's and dont's go. This means that there is no room for misunderstanding or error. Also, I heard from friends that payment is prompt. Also the available opportunities and all that are very clear and lucid.
By now most of my friends are into PPP and all of them recommended it to me very highly. I have made many new friends in my city who also use the PPP service. Reason enough to join their blog network now.
I already have plans for the money I shall be making. First is that since my blog is a movie and music blog, I'll be requiring money to keep buying those movies and music. Maybe in a while even a portable movie player. :) Who knows ? Anything and everything is possible. I also have a few other things in mind to buy.