When you have close to two hundred and fifty movies and counting, not to mention various other videos such as those TV shows and other music videos, etc it's hard to keep track of all your discs and managing them becomes quite a problem. What's more, you always have to search for the disc in which the movie you want is. Other problems include flexibility. That is supposing I want to put all movies according to say either Director or based on the year of the movie, it's impossible to do so when you have them on discs. Renaming movies, or even deleting movies after watching them becomes a problem.
On top of all that, discs occupy more space, need to be stored carefully. Never expose discs to dust. Another annoying thing with storing movie on disc is that when you want to store 6 movies on a disc, sometimes it exceeds disc capacity by some 2MB. Shucks!! You now have to waste space on the disc. Also if your discs get scratched, then you are done for. Doomed. You can no longer watch the movies on the disc. This has happened to me when I lent some discs to friends. I stopped lending discs after that. :)
You can not delete movies from discs either. Yes you can delete it such that you are no longer able to access that movie, but then you cannot use that space back to store anything else. Yes, sure there are rewritable discs available. But they are a pain really. Writing and formatting them takes forever and they are also prohibitively expensive.
Now I don't know what's going to happen once Blue Ray discs start coming out. But till then, I think an External Hard Disc makes more sense. Read about it in my next post.