Sunday, April 6, 2008

Short Movie Reviews

I watch a lot many movies. The frequency has gone down over the last few days because of other work that has kept me busy. I used to watch anything between 1 to 2 movies a day on an average. Over the last few months, I haven’t watched a single movie. Pretty sad, isn’t it ?

But then, my work is kinda complete and now I can afford to dedicate more time to movies and reviews. However, I did not write reviews for few of the movies I had been watching. This means that I have a backlog of movies for which I shall be writing reviews. Trouble is, I watched them a while ago and while I might still remember the essentials, things are not fresh in my mind. I might actually even have to watch the movies again. So, for now I am going to write short reviews of movies. Once I get the time to watch them again, I shall write longer more comprehensive reviews.


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